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Eyes of Akira Yoshimura

Eyes of Akira Yoshimura
by Akira Yoshimura
Publication Date: 2022.10.20
Format: ebook & paperback (print on demand)
Language: Japanese & English
ISBN: 9784990956691
Publisher: Saihatesha

*Japanese page→

Akira Yoshimura continued to move forward with the aim of innovating photographic expression. Pay attention to the trajectory and miracle of the eyes of a solitary photographer who pushed his own way without being accustomed and selling flattery!

 The River
 Dark Calls
 New Story
 THE ROUTE Busan 1993
 Weekend Picture
 Traces of Akira Yoshimura (1959-2012)

Akira Yoshimura, Photographer
Born on June 3rd, 1959, in Moji City (Today: Kitakyushu City Moji-ku), Fukuoka Prefecture. Since the mid-1980s, he was in the spotlight as a snap photographer of the city. He also received attention by presenting various works that followed historic events. He passed away on June 2nd, 2012.

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